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Reasons to Get an Aliyah Massage in October

Daniel G.

A growing body of research supports massage therapy for health and wellness. October is the perfect time to take advantage of the many health benefits of massage therapy including decreasing pain and swelling associated with overuse or traumatic body injuries and increasing the ranges of motion in your joints.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Research has shown that massage therapy can reduce pain, stress, nausea, depression, distress, anxiety and fatigue, while improving health related quality of life for cancer patients.

Destress Before the Holidays

Has preparing for the back to school routine and the impending holiday season left you feeling more stressed than normal? Aliyah Massage therapy is a proven stress reliever.

Take Advantage of your Insurance Plans before the year ends.

Aliyah Massage Therapy Centre can provide insurance receipts for both Massage Therapy and Naturopathy.

We look forward to treating you soon.


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